Drawing by Edward Gorey
I'm also the proud mom of the sweetest cat the world has ever known: Ms. Gracie LaRoux. Ken and I love her on levels that's probably not healthy, but what else can you do when you've got the best looking cat?
2009 World Series Game 5
What you'll find on this site are pictures, recipes and musings about the stuff I make. I also do occasional product and restaurant reviews. Maybe a giveaway. I talk about Phillies baseball a lot too. I try to keep the randomness to a minimum. (The keyword in that sentence being TRY.)
I learned a lot of baking from my Grandma while growing up. The rest is self-taught. My cooking skills are sub-par at best, but I'm working on it. I frequently post about my kitchen-woes, so if you're looking for perfectly polished and professional recipes, this probably isn't the place for you.
Apple Cake
Pumpkin Brownies with Cream Cheese Glaze
Everything I bake is vegan. No eggs, no dairy, no animal products. My treats are all grandma-approved, and are just as delicious as their non-vegan counterparts. You'll never miss the butter.
I've been a lazy vegetarian for years, and last year I made the decision to slowly go vegan again. I've been transitioning for a few months now, and since January my diet has been completely vegan!
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie
I like to make pies. I'm definitely on team pie. And for those of you on team cake, my blueberry pie or strawberry rhubarb pie could convert you. And for those of you who aren't looking to switch teams, I'll make you some CARBOMB or some Casbah cupcakes, and we can still be friends. Ok?
This blog is a little over a year old, but still very much a work-in-progress. Browse around, check things out, leave a comment and join the conversation. And hey, Thanks for stopping by!
John Tenniel drawing from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass